15 Years of Clean “Maji”
As the founder of Well Aware, I don’t take enough time to look back and appreciate the incredible impact we have made in the past 15 years. As a driven and passionate team, our focus is always on how we can be better and doRead More
Why Are Our Clean Water Projects on School Grounds?
At Well Aware, we believe that access to clean water is a basic human right. Here’s why schools are at the heart of our clean water work.Read More
A Journey Towards Sustainable Water Solutions at Uasonyiro
After installing a rainwater collection and purification system in 2023, we are excited to report the student population has grown to 881 children, demonstrating the positive impact of access to clean water.Read More
Nyakio Secondary: The Dawn of a New Era
This past summer, Well Aware drilled boreholes in two communities, providing them with lifelong access to clean drinking water. One of the communities that was a recipient of a water project is Nyakio Secondary School.Read More
McCallum PALS Raise $8,600 for Clean Water by Skipping Showers
Students across the world have the same heart, ears, eyes, and dreams, but what significantly makes their realities different is what basic rights they have access to. This is why the McCallum Alliance went on Shower Strike.Read More
When Water Meets the Bridge: The Story of Daraja Academy
Well Aware is excited to announce a new partner school, where two of our Kenya team members attended as girls, will soon have clean water.Read More
The Well Beyond App by Well Aware Receives Coveted Anthem Award
Well Aware Wins Silver for the Best Use of Technology.Read More
Looking Back on 2023 and Forward to the Future
2023 was an impactful year- we enhanced our project processes with support from brilliant partners, we impacted 53,400 more people with access to clean water, we held our first full team retreat, and launched our new initiatiRead More
Transformation in Mitero, Kenya
This December, in partnership with the Chris Long Foundation, Well Aware plans to construct a new, solar-powered deep borehole that holds the potential to transform the entire Mitero community, impacting 4,000 individuals.Read More
Who are the Faces of the Water Crisis?
Our Faces of Water highlights individuals within Well Aware’s partner communities directly impacted by clean water. We are honored to introduce you to a few of them.Read More
What is World Conservation Day?
Clean water & wildlife are inevitably dependent on one another for sustainability, which is why Well Aware has formed a strong partnership with Ol Pejeta Conservancy, who is guiding our efforts that are focused on just that.Read More
The Colors of Eremet, Kenya
Since Well Aware did a borehole rehabilitation in 2015, the community has had evident growth in terms of education, health, sanitation and security. The colors of Eremet are life, liberation and growth.Read More
Enhancing Water Project Sustainability through the Well Beyond App
Sustainable water solutions require collective action, and the Well Beyond app connects communities and NGOs, bridging the problematic gap in accountability in the water sector.Read More