May 5, 2023
Our 15th Annual Shower Strike
Looking back on 15 years of Shower Strike, our team is so thankful for the supporters who have been with us through the years. What started out as a kooky idea to get donations for our very first water project has turned into a campaign that brings people from around the world together to focus on one mission: providing access to clean water to communities in East Africa.
This year, we had Strikers join us from all over the United States- Florida, Virginia, California, Colorado, Michigan, Oregon, and more. And we not only had Strikers in the United States, there were also Strikers in Australia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Congo. What once was a 5 person fundraiser has now turned into hundreds of people gathering together for one week to put their all into raising money for clean water and our team could not be more grateful.
Your Impact
This year, with the dedication of each Striker and the generosity of each donor, 20,000 people will gain access to clean water! That’s 20,000 more people that won’t have to worry about water-borne illnesses. 20,000 more people that can grow and develop, knowing access to water won’t be a roadblock. With clean water, children can stay in school, mothers can find jobs, families will be healthier, communities will gather around the water source and infrastructure will expand, and economies will grow. Clean water truly changes everything and now clean water will change the lives of 20,000 people because of each one of our Strikers and donors.
We are so hopeful for the future of clean water because of you.
Meet our Honorary Strikers
Our Water Warriors, Strikers who raised $1,000 or more, will be getting their name displayed on an upcoming water system in the community of Linjoka this May! (picture coming soon) We had 41 incredible Water Warriors that pushed us closer to our goal and found very creative ways to raise awareness and funds. Let’s take a look at the winners of our Top Prizes.
Striker of the Year: Newton Hopkins
Participant who raised the most funds overall.
For the very first time, we have 2 Strikers of the Year with both of these Strikers raising more than $23,000! Newton participates in Shower Strike with his family by raising funds in memory of his mother, Patt Christopher.
“It’s been an honor to be a part of Well Aware’s Shower Strike every year for the past decade. Being able to be a part of such big impact with just a little effort is humbling, and getting to see the joy that clean water brings entire communities has been such a joy for us, as well. We are proud to support the Work of Well Aware.”
Striker of the Year: TK Kowalicki
Participant who raised the most funds overall.
Charlie- and owner TK Kowalicki- carried jerry cans all over Colorado raising money for clean water. TK is a long time supporter and dedicated Striker and this is his second time winning Striker of the year!
Rookie of the Year: Marilyn Parver
First-time Striker who raised the most funds.
Marilyn raised almost $14,000 in her first Shower Strike!
“As a Rookie Shower Striker, this year was all about learning. Next year I hope to get a plan in place early and try working with our grandchildren! I am thrilled to be a Water Warrior with Well Aware and forever will consider it a miracle that I found such a wonderful organization to be a part of!”

Socialite of the Year: Blake Cole
Participant with the most social engagement.
Blake and his dog, Joy, went head to head to see who could raise the most for clean water. What a creative way to get your donors involved on another level, Blake!
“[For future Strikers] Make it fun! The more fun you have, the more fun donors have, the more donations are raised for Well Aware, clean water for more people!”
Classroom of the Year: Spicewood Elementary
Classroom/school team that raised the most funds.
Spicewood 5th graders participated in a Water Walk to learn more about Sustainable Development Goal #6 and experience first-hand what it’s like to walk for water. The 5th graders were determined to raise as much money as they could, with their original goal being $1,000. They ended up raising $5,000!! 333 people will now have clean water because of these 5th graders and their teachers’ efforts!
Team of the Year: Spectrum Brands
Team that raised the most funds overall.
This team raised over $65,000 this year, impacting the lives of more than 4,300 people with clean water. One branch even sold eggrolls as a way to fundraise for their team. We are so grateful to have Spectrum Brands in the fight for clean water with us year round as one of our Brand Partners!
“Today’s consumer is interested in supporting companies that are good corporate citizens, It’s also important for our employees to see the human side of the company.”
We also had a couple other prizes during the week that consisted of most dollars raised on Day 2 (Winner, Khalil Mckenzie) and the most donors throughout the weekend (Winner, Kristen Leclair).
“Well Aware is a single organization that enables me to support women, children, and communities with life-saving, life-changing water. I love nonprofits that work to not just fix a single problem, but break the cycle of problems.” - Kristen
Thank You
Our team is so grateful for each supporter of this year’s Shower Strike. Your support goes so far beyond the physical dollar. Access to clean water transforms communities for a lifetime and creates a ripple effect that will carry on to many generations. And this will now be 20,000 more peoples’ realities because of you. We can’t thank you enough but we’ll try.. THANK YOU!
Want to see where your efforts are going? Keep up to date with our water projects and subscribe to our newsletter here.
A very big thank you to our Sponsors!
Spectrum Brands
Love, Titos
Aqua Strategies
Stahl Family Foundation
Alan Blake
Biofriendly Planet