April 12, 2021
Skipping April Showers to Bring Clean Water this Earth Day
Skip showers. Raise funds. Change lives.
150,000 lives to be exact. Each year, passionate advocates from around the world virtually band together and pledge not to take a shower until they’ve reached their fundraising goals. Since 2009, this quirky campaign has changed the lives of almost 150,000 individuals through clean water. But we’re not stopping there.
Shower Strike is an important (and very special) fundraiser for Well Aware. It’s how our very first project was funded, and it’s been around ever since. It’s not just about skipping showers though — a lot of people don’t, in fact. What it’s really about is raising awareness of issues surrounding global water scarcity and promoting Well Aware’s mission, work and success, to combat the very things changing our climate, and changing the lives of the people it’s most affected by. AND, Shower Strike is back this year, after a tumultuous 2020 that changed so much for the world.

This past year has been challenging for everyone, but it has been particularly devastating for families in rural areas in the regions we work that completely lack access to clean water. With your support, we’re helping to stop the spread of disease AND transform entire communities through plentiful and lasting access to the most critical basic necessity. which is more important now than ever before to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Shower Strike has the power to enact very real and lasting change within our partner communities, but we need your help getting there. By joining or supporting #ShowerStrike, you can enable us to implement more clean water projects that are vital to the livelihood and wellness of our East African partner communities.
So, with #ShowerStrike launching this Earth Day, April 22nd, will you pledge your support for Well Aware’s clean water projects and take action to help more deserving people gain this vital resource? Earth Day is an opportunity to “diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide,” (earthday.org). And, in 2021, after a global pandemic that showed us (among many other things) the importance of water and access to basic resources, what better time to get involved and spread awareness?

Every $15 you raise provides 1 more person with lasting clean water. Register or donate today: www.showerstrike.org
By joining us, you will help us to not only bring clean water to 20 new communities this year, but ensure our existing 70 projects continue to provide lasting and reliable clean water to thousands across East Africa, during a time when water access is more critical than ever.